Thursday, October 30, 2008

Buzz Lightyear Ride

If you haven't done this, do it the next time you're at Disneyland. They take a picture on this ride then you can e-mail to your computer right after. Nice thinkin', Disney. Save me 20 bucks on buying a picture! (Tre WAS with us. He's somewhere...)


Maughan"sters" said...

That was one of my boys favorite rides. We actually bought a couple of those guns afterward; I wish they were still at Disneyland!! They are so loud and obnoxious when you bring them home to a quiet house! That is a great idea about e-mailing the pictures to your computer; hopefully more rides and parks will start doing that.

Maughan"sters" said...

I found something you need to put on your blog. Go to my blog and click on Burningham Family. You need to do the HSM3 thing..

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh LOUD! K..Freddy has someone in his seat..can't REALLY tell...but he has like 106,000 or something for his score and the child is just watching DADDY! It cracks me up!! Freddy REALLY was trying HARD! I see it in his face!