Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Can We Ban Teens From Movie Theaters...PLEASE!

OK, so it's about early December, 2005; my husband and I are at a later movie trying to enjoy what's left of his work day and what's left of my fat, uncomfortable, 8 months pregnant day. When all of a sudden, wouldn't you know it, a few teenage kids decided to come in and crash our $20 date for the evening. (And for a young couple living in California, 20 bucks is a lot!) They all sat in one of the front rows of the the theater talking and giggling while two of them made their way up to the top of the theater. Apparently shadow puppets were our next bit of entertainment. Now, I have inherited my father's temper and patience (or lack there of) so I usually don't have a problem of calling people out if I am sincerley ticked off. So of course I am the only one in the theater, standing at 4' 11'', pregnant belly and all, who has the guts to call out, "Shut up and sit down!" In this case they did for a few minutes but of course proceeded to continue on with their fun. Well I wasn't gonna take it. I don't know if it was the fact that I was pregnant, and hormonal, and I didn't think anyone would "take me out" in my condition, but I proceeded to walk down the aisle to the front row to tell these kids what was on my mind. (Probably shouldn't repeat the things I said but it was something like their daddy's not paying enough attention to them and my foot in inappropriate so many words.) Needless to say they shut up for the rest of the movie. I love going to the movies! Always have! What parents aren't doing their jobs that these teenagers just feel they can come in and be overly retarded in the theater?? My sister, Monica, told me one time that she sat on the top of her chair at the theaters in front of a bunch of obnoxious kids, blocking their view of the movie. When they called her out on it, she said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I ruining your movie???" Rad! Can't we think of more stuff like that?? I guess I'm more upset with the people in the theaters without a backbone to say "knock it off" along with me because I don't think there is one person that enjoys it anymore than the next person. So I'm calling every one out! It's getting worse! And the only reason it is is because we don't say anything. What, are we afraid of offending them? Or maybe we can should start asking for more refunds to let the theaters know how ticked we are. Solutions anyone? 'Cause for one night, I would love to go see a movie I would enjoy seeing without adolesence coming in and ruining it all! (Why do I bring this up you ask? We just went to the movies last night and I'm a little ticked from it all.)


Tracy Giles said...

You are so funny. I can picture you pregnant telling them off. Go Mandy! I wish I had some ideas, but Tag and I rarely ever make it to the movies anymore. The last movie I saw was Harry Potter. I can't even remember what I saw before that. Oh, no I lied. I saw that Jane Austen movie. Anyway, good luck and let me know if you guys come up with a solution.

Maughan"sters" said...

So, will you be going to a movie for your anniversary!? We don't go to many movies because of the baby-sitting ordeal.