Friday, December 28, 2007

And It Starts!!!

I came downstairs this morning to find my son playing in the fireplace! He was covered in ash and smearing it where ever he saw fit! My heart just about stopped! I guess he figured it was an indoor sand box. I grabbed him and threw him in the bath tub while I frantically cleaned up the mess. Luckily it cleaned up fine, but I guess now would be the time to invest in some child proofing around the house! (I would have gotten a picture but I was too horrified to stop and appreciate the humor.) If anyone has any glorified horror stories with kids and trouble, please tell me in the comment section so I don't feel like such an idiot!


Emily said...

Hey Mandy! I remember a few times when Aaron was a little guy...Mom used to buy oil in a large 5 gallon container and we kept it in the kitchen under the sink. Aaron was maybe 12 or 15 months (maybe even younger) and one day we walked around the corner into the kitchen to find him sitting on the floor in about an inch and a half of oil laughing and and splashing in the oil as if it was a kiddy pool. He had somehow managed to get under the sink and unscrew the lid and dump the entire container all by himself. It took Mom hours to clean up. I remember her soaking up the oil with newspapers and mopping and mopping...she went out and bought these new fangled baby cabinet locks the next day. Another time I remember Aaron (again) dumping an almost entire bottle of shampoo in one spot of the carpet. That one took a while to clean up too. Good thing Mom had such a good sense of humor about it. I guess a good laugh can keep you going! Emily

Tracy Giles said...

Oh Mandy, I don't even know where to start so I'll just say don't feel like an idiot because we've done way worse at our house. We are potty training Lily and she said she had to to the bathroom, then I got distracted for just a split second and she pooped on the carpet! When you are potty training and your child says they need to go, that means you go straight to the bathroom. I learned the hard way. It is fun to hear other stories of kids getting into trouble, it always makes me feel better.

Anonymous said...

Hey Manda-Panda!
He probably will learn to not do that again. My mom said when I was just a bit older than Tre I used to bouce around on my parents bed even though she would tell me not too. Apparently I snuck into their room, crawled up on the bed, and started boucing a little too hard until I sort of propelled off and whacked into the dresser. Landed in a heap, a little surprised but not hurt. Never did it again though! lol Kids are pretty tough! Luv you!!!
- Megan

Anonymous said...

Oops! I obviously meant bounce not bouce in my original post. Thats what I get for typing too fast! HAHA