Monday, December 17, 2007

Kids and Moving...Don't Mix the Two!!!

You wanna see what I'm dealing with? A condo 1000 sq. ft., 2 babies under the age of 2, boxes and bags full of our stuff, and a mom about to lose it! I kept a box of toys out that I didn't pack for the kids; good thing since our new house didn't close til today. (Actually, I think we're still waiting for the word.) We were supposed to move in last Friday. We're still waiting for the ok to move in. The toys won't stay put away for 2 minutes, and Tre keeps digging through everything. Brooklyn's on the verge of crawling. I hope she'll hold out for a couple of days until we get settled in. AHHHH! My little piece of heaven is my sister-in-law Katie who is seriously the best person in the world. She's helped me pack, helped with kids, kept me a bit sane in the moving process. She's always so willing to help with everything! And on top of it, I'm still teaching and choreographing this week. (My girls go to competition soon!) So my sanity is hanging on by a thread. I'm glad my husband doesn't mind the messiness going on! Or if he minds, he's being awesome about not getting on my case about it. Pray we'll get in soon!

1 comment:

Tracy Giles said...

You are Super Woman! I am stressed about moving with only one kid! Good Luck! Let us all know how it goes. You're house is gorgeous! I am so excited for you.