We've been planning my mom's surprise 60th birthday party for about a year! A lot of work, but it totally paid off! All of my mom's closest friends came and we had a great night! We held it at a Holiday Inn with a DJ, an awesome dinner and dancing. Needless to say, I think my mom felt really special that night.
Monica and me waiting for our mom to come in. We told her there was a Usana business that night. It felt like forever before she came in!
The big arrival.

The theme of the party was "Start Spreading the News!" It had a Hollywood decor.
We played "New York, New York" when she came in.
Close friends of many years came.
My dad did a great job conducting everything. He always go above and beyond.

Rene, basically our adopted sister, came a long way to party!
Mom's ballroom instructor, Joe, came and helped mom show off her skills.

Dad sang, "I've Got You Under My Skin." Very sweet.

This was taken after a couple of hours of dancing.

Rick and Monica. Rick was able to help out with a movie I made for her. I wouldn't have happened without him.

Funky lad-uhs...
Happy Birthday, mom! Glad you had fun!

How fun! I wish my Mom could have gone. I'm sure we would have loved to see everyone there. She is having a struggle with deciding to finish getting her teaching credentials or not. She had class on the night of the party. She hasn't missed one yet! That's my Mom!
Wow!!! What a fun party. You guys went all out! I bet she had a blast. I hope my kids do that for me some day.
You two sisters are SO WONDERFUL for doing such a RAD birthday BASH for you mama!! ;) She is a LUCKY MOM to have you!! ;) YOU are freakin AMAZING!! I LOVE YOU MANDY!!
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