Sunday, April 6, 2008


We've been planning my mom's surprise 60th birthday party for about a year! A lot of work, but it totally paid off! All of my mom's closest friends came and we had a great night! We held it at a Holiday Inn with a DJ, an awesome dinner and dancing. Needless to say, I think my mom felt really special that night.

Monica and me waiting for our mom to come in. We told her there was a Usana business that night. It felt like forever before she came in!

The big arrival.

The theme of the party was "Start Spreading the News!" It had a Hollywood decor.

We played "New York, New York" when she came in.

Close friends of many years came.

My dad did a great job conducting everything. He always go above and beyond.

Rene, basically our adopted sister, came a long way to party!

Mom's ballroom instructor, Joe, came and helped mom show off her skills.

Dad sang, "I've Got You Under My Skin." Very sweet.

This was taken after a couple of hours of dancing.

Rick and Monica. Rick was able to help out with a movie I made for her. I wouldn't have happened without him.

Funky lad-uhs...

Happy Birthday, mom! Glad you had fun!


jamirodana said...

How fun! I wish my Mom could have gone. I'm sure we would have loved to see everyone there. She is having a struggle with deciding to finish getting her teaching credentials or not. She had class on the night of the party. She hasn't missed one yet! That's my Mom!

Tracy Giles said...

Wow!!! What a fun party. You guys went all out! I bet she had a blast. I hope my kids do that for me some day.

Anonymous said...

You two sisters are SO WONDERFUL for doing such a RAD birthday BASH for you mama!! ;) She is a LUCKY MOM to have you!! ;) YOU are freakin AMAZING!! I LOVE YOU MANDY!!