Monday, April 28, 2008

Me to the T from A to Z


B: BEST FRIENDS? You all know who you are!  But top choice would be Freddy.

C: CAKE OR PIE? Cake. Chocolate cake.
D: DAY OF CHOICE? Saturday. Freddy's home and I get to feel like a person, not so much a mom, for the day and on our Saturday night date.
E: ESSENTIAL ITEMS? For me: iPod, cell phone, debit card. Kids: diaper bag with lots of diapers, plenty of wipes and snacks of every kind. Freddy: Bills Digest, peanut M&M's , my bod.
F: FAVORITE COLORS? I'm a neutral girl. Gray's, greens, "light tan". But my favorite is blue.
G: GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS? Chocolate covered Cinnamon Gummy Bears. I haven't tried them yet but my friend Jessica mentioned them and they sound tasty.
H: HOMETOWN? Orange County. El Toro, then Mission Viejo. 
I: FAVORITE INDULGENCE? Milk chocolate covered strawberries.  Oooo daddy!
J: JANUARY OR JULY? That's hard. January is nice cause you feel like you're getting a fresh start with the new year, and July because of the sun and sand. California just has a fun feeling in the summer.
K: KIDS? Tre - 2 and Brooklyn - 1. They're 15 months apart. Freddy and I just couldn't keep our hands off each other!
L: LIFE ISN'T COMPLETE WITHOUT...Freddy by my side, my kids arms around my neck and dancing.
M: MARRIAGE DATE? February 8Th, 2003
N: NUMBER OF BROTHERS AND SISTERS? one sister, Monica, 6 years older than me. Freddy has 4 brothers and 4 sisters. He is number 8 of 9.
O: ORANGES OR APPLES? Oranges, raw...apples baked.
P: PHOBIA OR FEARS? Wrinkles. Freddy isn't into plastic surgery. However, check for 34 C's in the future. He's pro-boobs.
People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character."   -Ralph Waldo Emerson

R: REASONS TO SMILE? Tre talking; Brooklyn dancing; Freddy's humor; friends calling; rekindling memories; the right song at the right time; sincere compliments.
S: SUPERMAN OR WONDER WOMAN? Wonder Woman never spit out 2 babies, and I'm sorry...Superman couldn't handle it.
T: TAG 5 PEOPLE. Bring it people. I wanna see what you've got!
U: UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME? I'm easily intimidated; hate tomatoes but love salsa; I can't sleep without a body pillow.
V: VEGETABLE? Artichokes, asparagus, zucchini
W: WORST HABIT? I bite and pick at my lower lip. (Just what you wanted to know, right?) 
X: X-RAY OR ULTRASOUND? There is nothing like your first ultrasound with your first pregnancy. Besides the vomiting and nausea, you really don't believe there's something in you until you actually see it. 
Y: YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? Fresh fish, lobster, a good salad.
Z: ZODIAC SIGN? Virgo. I don't really know what that means, but I think it means gorgeous, brilliant, perfect being/midget. In that case, uhhh, their pretty spot on! 


The Wards said...

Hi, I'm Marcie, Freddy's cousin. This was fun getting to know more about you and even Freddy. You have a really great and fun personality! "The Office" is our favorite TV show also (our dog is named Dwight...). You have a cute family and you seem like a sweet mom.

Ms. White said...

you did it! i love you girl!