Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Brief History...

If you missed it, I made kind of like a documentary of my mom's life for her 60Th birthday party. One of the hardest things I've ever taken on, but totally worth it in the end. Anyway, I scanned tons of pictures for it and here are a few I love. Enjoy!

Mary Ellen and "Buster"; my mom's parents in their element. I hadn't seen this before so it was fun to find! Mid 1940's I believe??
This is when my mom and dad were first dating. She's 17 or 18, and he's 25 in this picture.

Married '67.

40 years later, and more beautiful and in love than ever!!

Awww...who's that cute girl. Topless...that's the way I roll!

Humor was not an option in our family.

Dorthy and Glinda.

This is our Brooke Shields impression. Check out those rad 80's jeans and mom's Dorthy Hamell haircut. Hot!

Dancing was in our blood from the beginning. My tendu efface devant needs some help!If you want more, you'll have to check out my mom's movie sometime. Good stuff!

1 comment:

Maughan"sters" said...

Those are such fun pictures to see!