Sunday, June 27, 2010

IMATS and Kandee Awesomeness!!!!

The floor was top to bottom the best makeup lines with insane discounts! I was a total kid in a candy store!!
There were random people in makeup for display! The body art was to die for!
Queen of Hearts...
Love this one!!
Creepy white lady.
Dina Ousley. The original creator of airbrush makeup. Changed the face of makeup!!
Love her abs!!

This guy was crazy!! On stilts
with horns all over and crazy
eyes! I tried to get a better
picture, but be walked away so
fast! He had mad stilt skills...This girl is literally wearing a vest and skirt! Everything else is makeup. Wow. We were very, uh, up close a personal. Wink, wink.

It was great having my mom there. I think she enjoyed it just as much as me! After the floor show we did shopping, PF Changs and saw "Grown Ups." I love Old Town Pasadena! Such character! 
My IMATS haul. Yay for pretty things! I wanted oh so much more. Next year...
The next day, I had the pleasure of attending a Kandee Johnson Glaminar to get certified. I learned so much and just had the greatest experience soaking in so much information! Kandee isn't just known for her incredible makeup talent, but she's an amazing motivator. Just a beautiful person in and out.
Bridal tips. Contouring /Highlighting. We also learned about fashion tips, editorial, film and commercial.. .
My certification.
Giving inspiring words.
Kandee. My inspiration. We have a ton in common which is why I think draws me to her. She has 3 children as well but has insane drive like me. I offered my services to her for other glaminars if she were ever in need. I like being surrounded with positivity and she's just saturated with it! Respect, lady. 
So, this is the best part! I won this amazing professional makeup bag/carrier! I wanted this so bad! I literally held my breath when she drew the name for this prize and I couldn't believe I actually got it!!! It's so amazing cause you can use it as a carry on when you travel and use it as a seat as well!  
Needless to say... I love, love, LOVE my ZUCA!!! I haven't been able to buy one since they're about $300! Thank you Kandee! You gave me so much knowledge and inspiration that I will use forever! Check out some of her awesome YouTube videos! She's a riot! Again, why I love her!

1 comment:

Deni said...

haha, I wonder how many people have a picture of themselves on their blog with me in the background and they've added the caption "Creepy White Lady".

Really cool pics of the air brushing.