He 's here and he's awesome! He came with quite a scare! I went in Thursday for my check up and my doctor had told me if I was dilated at all he would help move me along. Right before he checked, my stomach started to contract and made a weird shape. "Has it been doing this?" my doctor said. "Off and on," I said. "Ummm... I'm sending you to the hospital. I think you'll have this baby in 24 hours no problem!"
So we went. They made us walk around a bit to get things moving. Sure enough, it helped. By 2pm we were officially checked in and offered me an epidural on the spot. This was by far my best labor experience I'd had! Before I knew it, it was time to push! I pushed for about 30-40 minutes and he arrived! Everything was perfect... until he delivered. I had pushed him sunny side up (they usually come out face down) but I had done this with Brooklyn as well. As soon as he came out, he collapsed and wasn't breathing. The doctor quickly cut the cord and all of a sudden I hear "CODE WHITE!! CODE WHITE!!" A ton of nurses rushed to the room to help him. He still wasn't breathing. They were trying to resitate him, but nothing was happening. Poor Freddy was so terrified he had to sit down and just wait for results. We were both in tears! It's amazing how long a minute was in that room. I kept asking, "He's OK, right?" No answer. Freddy was looking at the floor. I saw his face had turned white. "Breathe, sweetie, breathe," I said under my breath. "Is he OK?" No answer. At the time I didn't know what to feel. I knew I'd either walk out of the hospital with and baby... or not. It's funny what the human spirit can really handle, because I was sober as to what was happening, but calm at the same time. Wish I could've said the same for Freddy. He wasn't taking it very well. Finally, after almost 3 minutes, they got him back. "We got him!" they assured us as they were trying to calm us down. They wrapped him up, walked him over to me to see his face and rushed him to the NICU. And that was it. I hadn't held him, touched him, or hardly saw what he looked like, but at that point I just wanted to make sure they were taking care of him. Freddy and I just sat there with tears in our eyes hardly believing what we had just gone though, waiting for answers. Finally a doctor came in and gave us a few. Apparently the delivery was a lot for Knox to take. As soon as he came out, his heart and lungs gave and couldn't take it. That's all we knew.
That night we were emotional wrecks. I wanted to just see him and Freddy had gone in to look at him covered with an oxygen helmet and wires from every angle. Freddy was really taking everything very hard. I felt like I was hit by a truck so I didn't have time to worry about details. He was breathing... that's all I really cared about at the time.
The next morning, one of the x-rays showed he had a pnuemothorax, a hole in his lung possibly caused from the resesitation. A some point I just broke down cause I wanted to see him so bad. More than anything, I was worried that if anything were to happen to him, I would have never held my little, baby boy in my arms. From what I heard, and being sensitive to me, Freddy left the room a few times and had his own melt downs. He pulled some strings and they eventually got me in there, and let me hold him. A surreal moment.
The NICU wanted to keep him for a couple of days. It was hard to not bring him home right away. But the nurses and doctors took such good care of him. He was doing better every hour and improving so fast. After about a week, we finally got to take him home yesterday. Hallaluia! We are are so glad he's healthy and happy and home where he belongs!
Freddy came up with Knox, the last name of a surfer he likes. Buster was my grandfather's name. He is such a good baby and we are truly blessed he's pulled through and is a beautiful addition to our family!! Welcome, Knox!
Me waiting to deliver.

Hooray for miracles! Prayers were so appreciated! Thank you!
i am so glad that he is home where he belongs!
I've been waiting for this post! He is super cute! I can see Bud in him...just like your others :)
I wish I was there! What have you been doing with Tre and Brooklyn?
Yay for happy endings! I'm so happy for you all.
Congratulations! I'm so glad things turned out well. There really isn't anything more frightening than watching your baby struggle and the unknown can be so terrifying. I'm glad he's home and happy and healthy! Congrats!
What a crazy adventure! He's a fighter and we are so glad he is healthy and home with you guys. He is gorgeous and I can't wait to hold him!!! All our love to you!
Oh my! Scary story Mandy! I'm so glad he is alright!
He is so cute:)
Congratulations Kuhn Family!!!!
He is so so so hansome!!! We're so glad he is home in his mommy and daddy's arms!!!
So happy for you guys. Love the name. You guys are a beautiful family!
So glad that everything turned out well and I am sure he will add such a special spirit to your home!
HE IS ADORABLE just like your others! I LOVE YOU GUYS and GLAD that he is HOME! ;) If you need anything I am here! WE MISS BROOKLYN!!!! ;) Going to school, Kelli and Kara said...we MISS BROOKLYN!! ;) TOO CUTE!
I thought I had already left a comment, but I guess I didn't. Just wanted to say congrats and I'm so glad he's okay. That must have been one of the scariest moments of your life. So sorry you had to go through that. So glad he's healthy and home so you and your family can enjoy him! He sure is a cutie! YOu make beautiful babies!!
Congratulations. I am so happy for your family, and happy that everything is all right now. :D so cute that he was born on my wedding anniversary.
He's beautiful! Hooray for miracles! Congratulations!
congratulations, mandy & freddie!! wow, what a story! i'm so happy to hear he is healthy and safe and doing so well. looove his name, just darling. how are you doing with 3? you look beautiful. congrats again!
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