Monday, June 22, 2009

Sea World

My friend Lisa Bramwell Stout came out and stayed with me this past Wednesday with her family. I always love when they come out. We grew up together so we are really family. My gosh we could talk for hours!! Anyway, we met up at Sea World with my other "Bramwell women." I met Tammy's family which I hadn't yet and Mama Linda. It was a very brief visit since the kids hadn't slept at all the night before and Tre had been getting over being sick so we were there maybe 3 hours. The kids always enjoy it! I'll have to take advantage of our year pass more often. Anyone wanna go?? Lisa... you know know my invitation is always open... (That's not Shamu in the purple shirt at the end... it's pregnant little me.)


Maughan"sters" said...

Are you gonna come to LegoLand with us?? I hope so! Next year, we want to go to SeaWorld. You look great!

Tracy Giles said...

Okay . . . not even close to Shamu! I was expecting to see you looking big after that comment! You are so itty bitty! I love Sea World. If we lived closer I would totally go with you!