Friday, June 5, 2009

Indo 2009

Freddy went, again, to Indonesia for his annual surf trip with his brothers and friends. They where there for 2 weeks and surfed the best waves. Their boat took them to the best spots. They had a chef on board, ate fresh fruit, fish and apparently as many carbs they could for energy. Freddy said he was so soar he was popping Vicadin to keep surfing! I had to pick and choose pictures from his lot since he never got around to picking them for me, so, sorry babe... you'll have to live with the ones I chose!!


Tracy Giles said...

I always love seeing his pictures every year. What a fun tradition. I think you picked some great photos!

jamirodana said...

Freddy, you are a punk!

Maughan"sters" said...

That looks like so much fun...those waves, awesome beach, good company...
I think that next time they go to Indo, we should go and stay in a bungalow on the beach and lay out everyday. survived another one of his trips! It will get harder with the more kiddos you have :)

The BRU Crew said...

WOW, THEY HAD A BLAST...BUT you know what?!! WE DID TOO! ;) HA! Wait...we NEED TO!