Friday, February 27, 2009

Dr. Tiddle Biddle

So it's super nice to have friends in high places! Andy Tibbitts, though my memory claims him to be Andy "Tiddle Biddle" from back in the day, is an old friend of mine. In fact, the whole Tibbitts clan are my dear friends, so I'm sure they'll all appreciate this post. I've been waiting forever to get my teeth fixed! I know... they weren't that terrible to begin with, but they did need a little help. So Andy put me on Invisalign and put a few venires(sp?) on my four front teeth to give me a gleaming smile! I brought my camera the other day to take a picture with him since he knows I like to blog. We took it to another level. Here's a few action shots. His staff is a riot! They kept taking different shots around the office. They must laugh all day at work! Anyway, you'll see the end result at the bottom. Well done, good sir. Thanks for the rad smile! (Sorry about posting the 'Blue Steel' picture, Andy. It was too hilarious for me to not post!)


jamirodana said...

Okay I'm dying! hahaha. Hilarious!
I love the leg up on the chair!
Funny pics. Yes, the office is a very positive happy place!
Andy does do a great job too:)
Your teeth look fantastic!
I have veneers (correct spelling) done by a different dentist about 12 years ago and Andy wants to re-do them. I want him to. Next time I'm down and have time.........

Tracy Giles said...

Those are great pictures! You are always so much fun!

Carrie Anne said...

How fun is that?! I'm obsessed with teeth...I know, I'm weird. Yours look fabulous! Pretty lady.

Robyn said...

That is a great post! He is such a funny guy. I think your new teeth look so natural and perfect!! He did a great job! Andy did some bonding and filing on my teeth awhile ago and I felt like a different person. I smile with confidence now!

Alison said...

Andy still makes me laugh...I remember how much fun and what a jokester he was in high school (and college). If your teeth didn't look so good I'd say, does he really have a license or is he just dressing up as a dentist for fun?!!