Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My TV Commercials

So there is a reason people didn't like me very much as a kid. They all thought I was a stuck up, little brat who did a few (13) commercials when I was younger. But let's face it... I... was... awesome.  Actually, doing the commercials was like social suicide. I was teased a lot because of it. Explains my sense of humor today!!    I actually copied these commercials from two VHS tapes from 1983, and we copied them from the TV back in the day, so the quality isn't that great, but you'll still get a laugh! The first is a Pioneer commercial with, yes, O.J. Simpson himself. He was actually a really nice guy! The second was a McDonald's commercial for the 1984 Olympics. My acting's impeccable. Try to fight back the tears.  


Jill said...

Wow. Ah-MAZE-ing. (How's your coloring skills now?)

Pure Images said...

So cute Mandy! I was in a couple of those lame gap dance commercials in 99. It was so hard to not tell people because it's exciting, but once you tell someone they hate you. It's so weird. =( Cute commercials though!!

Maughan"sters" said...

Those are so cute. I love your little voice! (I did get your text; I'm just old-school and don't pay for texting, so I didn't reply!) When is your snowboarding trip?

Joy Boaz said...

I love these you little star, you. What a priceless thing to have, especially a commercial with O.J. You look a lot like Brooklyn in these too. So fun!!

Anonymous said...

Katie Purdie said...
Oh, Mandy! I just love you and all your many talents that started so young. Your curly pigtails in the 2nd commercial puts Cindy Brady to shame. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...


Alison said...

You're so cute. I thought I remembered a MCDonald one of you coloring the gold medal? Do you have that one?