Thursday, May 22, 2008

"Rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens..."

So Freddy makes fun of me because I am Miss Convenience. When we were first dating, he saw that I had a BAGEL SLICER and thought it was the stupidest thing he had ever heard of. But I hate cutting bagels, so I liked it. To this day, we won't let me down on it. But I do have to admit, I am a convenience fiend. I totally get off on find new things to make my life easier. I'm not talking iPods or cell phones...I'm talking your average, everyday stuff. So here are of list of my FAVORITE THINGS of convenience:
1. Ziploc Steam Bags - I HATE to cook! But my sis-in-law, Amy, told me about these incredible little plastic bags that heat your food in minutes. Freddy and I are on the low carb diet and it's perfect to steam veggies and cook chicken or fish in minutes... even frozen. I can easily make a healthy, delicious meal in 7 minutes!! (K - I need to be writing commercials...)

2. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser - Alright. At first I thought they sounded stupid, but they are the mother of all sponges living. (A thank you to Amy Kay, once again...) They basically take any marks off your walls, scum off of sinks, you name it... it removes it.

3. Dirt Devil Broom Vac - Self explanatory. It's a broom that vacuums up your crap. And for being a little thing, it's super powerful! I just hate bending over to sweep up all the mess on the floor.

4. Johnson &Johnson Wash Clothes - Pre-soaped up to just was dirty babies/toddlers and and then toss.

5. Kerastase Hair Serum - Well I don't know if this is necessarily a convenience this, but it's a favorite product of mine that my sister Monica introduced me to.  You know how much hair I have and I've used every serum there is out there, but this one totally relaxes my hair and anti-frizzes it.

So these are just of few, but I tag everyone to list their convenience items. I'm always up to finding out about new, brilliant little things. It's such a cheap thrill!


Carrie Anne said...

Reading this is like therapy for me! I don't know what my problem is but stuff like this makes me happy! I'm totally going to do a post on convenience stuff. By the way I added your name to my purse tag...lets see the goods, Mandy.

Joy Boaz said...

I am totally all for a good product! I also love a new convenient product. Some of mine are Clean and go wipes for those sticky moments in our live. I'll have to try the steam bags for cooking. Love it.