Sunday, May 18, 2008

Freddy's Stand-Up

Freddy did some stand-up for this banquet our ward held. He was a big success! Everyone loved him. I keep trying to talk him into getting back into it. It takes a lot of dedication and he works so hard, so I can see why he's not that motivated to do it anymore. I'll work on him...Him doing a great impression of Tre. Being married to Freddy is anything but boring!


Anonymous said...

HA, I should HAVE BEEN THERE!! He needs to do it again for sure, and YOU TOO!! :) Can't wait for Friday!! LOVE YOU BABE!! ;)

Jill said...

I remember seeing him at that little coffee house in Orange...glad to see he's at it again!

PS - thanks for all the surfing advice, Freddy. Kenny's really excited.

PSS - you're kids are too cute (baby girls and bikinis especially).

Maughan"sters" said...

Hopefully he didn't do his "poop" jokes in front of the ward!!!
I hope all is well!