Thursday, July 3, 2008

Let's Just Make It an Unwritten Law...

So. I think many would have to agree with me that gravity is certainly kinder when you're in an upright, vertical or flat out, horizantal position. Right? Last night, feeling pretty good in my jeans and Hollister T, I was slouching on a couch...slouching being gravity's evil-est positions of them all...and an old friend I hadn't seen in a while walked in and said, "Hey Mandy! I see a little bump going on there??" In other words...she thought I was pregnant. Now in this case, I would normally feel bad for the other person because, well come on, this one of those embarrassing moments everybody talks about, but she said it in front of a whole bunch of people. Now I will be the first to admit that I do have a little bumpidge going on, but do I have to explain to every one that I've spit out a few babies? And the thing is, I'm in the best  shape I've been in in a long time...I even have my abs back...but when you have humans growing  8-9 pounds inside of you, the after effects are that of, well, a used up balloon. Not easy to get rid of.  Don't get me wrong, I'd do it over and over again. Sacrificing that of my 17 year old body is certainly worth it.  But I compare it to, like, a war veteran who lost and arm in battle for his country. I'm sure he has great pride in his sacrifice, but that vet doesn't always want to be reminded that his arms not there.  And the thing is...I'm fortunate! I have friends who have had bigger babies and harder scars to overcome. (To them, there is nothing more beautiful than you! Your children think so...your husbands know so!)  So until we can make up shirts that say, "I'm not pregnant...this is just the aftermath..." let's just not assume.  Get the facts, PEOPLE!

Where I came from!
(A day before delivery with Brooklyn)


Alison said...

LOL! It is an unwritten law...some people just don't get it.
My friend Jen had a baby, and a month later, someone asked when her baby was due. She said that he was born a month ago and he was at home and the lady argued with her, no really, when is the baby due.
People just don't have a clue.

pandorasbox said...

I love it...oh my land you have to do a stand up routine about this person's lack of "pragmatic" or social skills...

I had a similar comment when I was in Laguna Beach doing Art-a-Fair. I was wearing an expensive billowy white dress and this old biddy came up to me and asked if I was preggars. I just about choked...needless to say that dress became HISTORY!

You look really good and you are in good shape...keep it up girl!


Joy Boaz said...

Here here sister! Isn't always someone like a man or someone who's never given birth to say that to us!! You are a total hot mama and I would kill to have your tiny little body. Love ya.

Tracy Giles said...

I feel ya! I have never had a very flat stomach, but thank you very much for the size 1 jeans I wear and people would still ask me if I was pregnant. I had 2 people ask me if I was pregnant last summer and I was in great shape (again size 1 jeans). It doesn't matter how big or small you are some people just don't get it. I hate that just because I don't have a flat stomach people always think I'm pregnant when I'm not. It's nice to be pregnant now and have a little bit of a break from people making me feel bad. It definitely needs to be an unwritten law!

Maughan"sters" said...

How many kids has she had!
My friend has a shirt that says, "My Body is Out for Repairs!" If I can find out where she got it from, I'll send you one! But I think you look great. I've been teaching my kids the last few weeks that people like it when you say "you look skinny!" Well, my kids walked in on me in the shower the other day and asked if I have another baby in my tummy! I guess no swimm suits for me this summer!

jamirodana said...

You make me laugh! By the way, I lost the phone face-off(as in Seinfeld) to you last night when you called my Mom's house and Melinda clicked over to answer and never came back! :) Dang it!

Robyn said...

Oh puhleeze...whoever said that must have been totally kidding because there is no way anyone could think you look pregnant. You look amazing.

I got asked a few weeks ago if I was pregnant by this lady cutting Trent's hair and my baby was in the stroller right next to me!!! Seriously people! I didn't stop looking pregnant until after I stopped nursing Trent and I'm in the same situation now and it's so hard for me. But you're right, these babies are worth every bulge and hopefully I'll work off baby #2 fat soon....

Sara Beth Mortensen said...

I feel for you, no matter how hard I work out things will never be the same.