My friend Carrie Anne did this on her blog. It's so fun to know about peoples "human" sides and strange tendencies. So... here we go...
1. I have a tendency to keep drawers and cabinets slightly open. (Freddy hates this!) It's not that I forget or don't think about it. I think subconsciously I want it to be easier for me to get to it that much faster next time. I hate wasting miniscule time even though I have plenty of time to spare. Weird, right??
2. I hate talking on the phone. Again, I just feel like there's other things I could be doing. My closest friends know this about me. Especially poor Freddy. He'll call me from the road and he'll be sitting in traffic and want some company and I'll be just a total brat when he calls. I thinks it's more of just feeling uncomfortable with pauses or cutting someone off when talking which I do all of the time! Or rather, if you want my attention, I have to be completely committed to you by hanging out or talking face to face. This is why I love blogs! I see what you're all doing... sweet... simple... done. This also cuts down on drama which I also hate.
3. I have more tubes of different kinds of lipstick than anyone you'll know, yet you're lucky if you ever see me wearing it. And I'm super anal when it comes to my make-up. I don't like sticky stuff on my lips. I have to eat. My husband kisses me a lot. I don't like it rubbing off on my cups and bottles. And I've tried the "kiss off" stuff but then it just makes my lips all dry and get all flakey when it's wearing off. I guess that's why I have so many kinds. I'm always trying to find the perfect stuff; 'cause I like the way it looks when I have it on...
4. I can't stand being too early to things, which explains why I'm often late. (But being late gets under my skin, too.) I like being right on time. I guess I just hate sitting around waiting for things to happen. Let's just get it done and out of the way already!
5. Have you ever watched "A Bug's Life" when the trail of ants are working and a leaf falls on the ground and stops the ants from getting to where they're going? I'm the hysterical ant that freaks out when something gets in my way of getting things done. If I start something, I hate when things keep me from completing my task; which probably explains the whole talking on the phone thing. Like I'll be making dinner and Freddy will walk up and want to hug me and give me a few kisses and I'll get so frustrated with him for keeping me from getting dinner done. He interprets it as not wanting to be affectionate, but I can't enjoy it if something is undone! Get out of my way!!
6. I love food. I look forward to food all day. So I have to mentally be in a comfortable place and state of mind if I'm going to enjoy my eating experience. I don't know how people eat and drive at the same time. What's wrong with you? At least pull over and savor what your mouth has craved for that moment. Usually if I do get fast food, I have to bring it home, get the kids settled, get my drink ready, put on a show I'm happy with, and get myself comfy on the couch.
It's my mental Utopia for me. It's not always like this... I'm a mom. Sometimes you do have to just throw it in you mouth and go. But when I can, I sit and enjoy my meals.
So whatch'ya got? I tag everyone cause, let's face it, I won't call you to find out...