It's official! Baby # 3 is on it's way! How do I know for sure? Well morning sickness is a fun part of it all, but at least I can hover over my own toilet rather than traveling the roads of Europe and making my mark in each country like my first pregnancy! Anything's better than that!! This was the first time I was going to be able to surprise Freddy with the news. Freddy hovered over me while we were trying with the other two, so I couldn't really surprise him with anything since he was the one buying the tests. So I bought a balloon and tied the pregnancy tests to it and put it on his sink so that when he came home and showered like he usually does after work, he's be surprised. That night when he came home, he decided he wanted to take the kids for a walk rather than do his normal routine of kissing me and the kids hello and then going up to shower. A half hour later, Freddy calls and says, "Where gonna be gone for a while. Why don't you pick us up in a half hour." So I did. On the way home, we stopped and picked up the mail. "I think we'll walk the rest of the way home, babe," said Freddy. "Are you freaking serious!" I thought to myself!! "He never does this!" As he walked in the door, he came over and started talking with me nonchalantly about nothing. "Don't you need to shower babe?" I said not trying to offend him that he may need it. He went upstairs and I waited for the foot stomps coming down the stairs from the news. Needless to say, he was "surprised." Just not as fast as I had hoped! We are both thrilled to add another Kuhn to our pack! Due date is Nov. 2nd.

Love it...Why do men always ruin surprises!?
Congrats! I'm confused. Didn't I know you were pregnant? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else!
Hooray for babies!
Congratulations!! I was just wondering when you were going to post on your blog that you are prego and here it is! Wow, 3 kids. You are definitely super woman!
So excited for you!
Babies are so much fun...
I can't wait to hear what you are having?!
Thats so awesome! Thats really exciting, we will look forward to pics.
so funny....Seriously, the same thing happened when I let Blair know I was preggers with Garrett...I got him a card "just to say I love you", then I wrote "PS - you're gonna be a daddy again!" and I put it on his bathroom sink too so he'd see it when he got home from work. Well, he was taking forever, so finally I told him to go upstairs to our bathroom...grrrr. He was still surprised though.
Congrats!!!!! That is SO EXCITING! I think men must have a sixth sense to not do whatever it is we are trying to get them to do! LOL
Katie Purdie said...
Mandy, I'm so very happy for you. You guys have the cutest kids and are the cutest family ever. You are a brave and wonderful woman! Love ya!
Congratulations what exciting news! I don't know if you remember me or not I am Freddy's cousin from Sylvia's side. I love looking at your blog and keeping up with you guys. You are so cute and halarious!
Yay, yay, yay for more babies!! Oh, Mandy, I am so excited for you guys!! Congratulations! We are close so please let us know if you need anything...especially while you are dealing with "morning" sickness. We love you guys! Love, shar
CONGRATS YOU WHORE!! That's awesome, and WE ARE STOKED for you, not that WE HAVEN'T ALREADY told you this! LOVE YOU MUCH!!!!
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